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Modern Indigenous Creations

Rainfall Collection: Move like Water; 5th Chakra Mala

Regular price $218.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $218.00 CAD
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Move like Water Mala

This Zen Style Mala focuses on the Opening the Throat Chakra.

Throat Chakras are often blocked, blockages can be underuse and overuse.  Opening this chakra and allowing it flow with true intention is the focus of this mala.  Allowing us to say or sing our intentions, so that we can reach our highest expression.


8mm Stones 

Main Stones; White Jade, Aquamarine, Blue Lace Agate

Check in Beads; Shell Carved Lotus Flower 

Guru Bead; Horizontal Quartz crystal point, Balance 


Included with every Mala:

1. Palo Santo, sweet grass, or sage bundle.  

2. Mantra Card.

3. Mantra note book

4. Stone Meaning and Care instructions.

These gifts are to clear your mala and begin setting your own individual  mantra and intentions. 


Every Mala is made with love and the intention for us all to reach our highest expression, this vibration is hand tied into every double knot.